Sunday, June 23, 2024


Saturday 06/22/2024
Team Version!
In Teams of 2
7 Rounds
Partner 1:
200 Meter Run

While Partner 2:
7-10 Toes to Bar
+ Max Reps Air Squat

Partner 1:
7-10 Toes to Bar
+ Max Reps Air Squat

While Partner 2:
200 Meter Run

There is no rest!! This version can be done with V-Ups as in Programs A/C and/or with:
15 Cal (M) / 11 Cal (W) Assault Bike
-OR- 18 Cal (M) / 13 Cal ( W) Row

Score: Total COMBINED Air Squats
Score: Total Time
Goal: 200-350 Reps 13-20 Minutes

Scaled: 7 Toes-to-bar/10 Weighted Sit-Ups, 18/13 Cal. Row
Time: 17:32
Squats: 19 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 21 + 21 = 141/311 Combined Total

Warm-up 5 minute row: 1114m, 2:17.1/500m

Paddle: Sugar River, Belleville to Dayton
Distance: 4.49 miles
Time: 1:05:49, 4.1 mph

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