Thursday, March 18, 2010


Tuesday, 03.16.10: 10x Maximal Wattage

Choose ONE of the following Sports.
"If you normally Run or Swim, Choose C2".

Bike and C2 ONLY!

Bike: 10 Rounds: Ride your body weight in Watts for 1min, at the 1min limit, Sprint for 10 sec to reach Maximal wattage. Rest 2min between Rounds. "Computrainer, Power Tap or Erg to measure for accurate readings".

C2: 10 Rounds: Row your body weight in watts for 1min, at the 1min limit pull 8 strokes as hard as possible to attain Maximal wattage, Rest 2min between Rounds.

Post Max Watts and Body Weight to Comments:

1. 510
2. 511
3. 512
4. 618
5. 533
6. 642
7. 611
8. 733
9. 581
10. 622

BW 169. Finished with 10 rounds of pull-up ladder. One pull-up the first minute, two the next, etc.

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